Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Do you want to post on this blog?

I can add a limited number of names to this blog so other people can start posts. If you want to start your own posts here, send me an email from the email address you want added to the list of blog authors. Obviously (or maybe not so obvious?) sending emails to any addresses will fail while the website is down, so send it to surfersofdubai at gmail dot com.

Tell me who you are in your email (or who you were on the forum) so I know I'm adding someone who really is a surfer and not a spammer.

Do I set up a new forum or wait?

I was considering setting up a new forum as a temporary measure while the main Surfers of Dubai site is down. The problem with that is that you'd have to register again, and if/when I get the old forum back up, I can't merge whatever was in the new forum with the old one. But please comment here if you think I should set up a new forum anyway, or if I shouldn't, or if this blog is good enough for a few days (I don't know how long it will take to retrieve old data, or if I can).

- surf camel

Contact Surfers of Dubai

If you need to get in touch, try surfersofdubai at gmail dot com or surfersofdubai at eim dot ae. I don't check email that often so don't use it for "is their any surf today" kind of questions (which I probably won't answer anyway, sorry).

Surfers of Dubai website down

Sorry Surfers of Dubai (SODs), the website and forum are down due to the disappearance of the host provider (their website is down and their telephone is disconnected). I've set this blog up so there's at least some way of posting information and communicating. I've set the comment posting barrier low as I figure it will be a while before robots and spammers find it. You should be able to post replies even if you don't have a blogger or gmail account.

For those interested in the technicalities, the host I used rented server space off another server provider but didn't pay their bills, so the larger server farm switched of junior's servers which had the SOD website (and many others I expect). I've been in contact with the big server company to see about retrieving forum and gallery backups so I can get online again. In the meantime, blog away here.

Surfing banned Dubai

Add comments here about the surfing ban at Sunset Beach in Jumeirah Dubai ... well it's not a ban apparently, only in swimming areas, but since the only surfable area is marked as a swimming area, it means it's a surfing ban by default, no?

Dubai surf

General talk about surfing in Dubai - add comments here, or put in a request for a new topic title and I'll get one started. Try and use one of the other topics if more relevant.

Surfboards for sale Dubai / UAE

Add a comment reply if you're trying to sell your surfboard in Dubai / UAE. Remember that any email addresses posted will probably get spammed.

Surfboards wanted in UAE

Add a reply if you want to buy a surfboard, specify details of what you want and give some sort of contact details (remember that any email addresses posted will probably get spammed sooner or later).

Surf report Dubai February 2009

Comment about surf in Dubai during February 2009. Add forecasts if you know there's surf coming.